Friday, May 3, 2013

The kids

Some videos of the kiddos that made us smile.

Our first one shows Micah's first experience with chopsticks (albeit a pair of training chopsticks with Thomas the Tank Engine on them).  Our teammates got us a set while we were all on a visit to Hanoi in April.  Micah loves them and figured out how to use them remarkably fast.  The other people in the video are ELI Vietnam folks; we were all in Hanoi for some leadership team meetings.

Video numero dos is Micah falling asleep at lunch one afternoon.  For some reason the kid can't help waking up at 5:30 in the morning, so by lunch he's usually more than ready for his afternoon nap.  This time it was a little more extreme than others...

And finally, a sweet one of Sedakah cracking up at Micah.  She smiles at everyone, but doesn't really laugh for anyone except her big brother.  We agree with her that he's a pretty funny kid.

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