Marker 1: Whilst walking on the sidewalk, do you find yourself frequently having to avoid motorbikes that don't fit on the street? If so, you may be in Vietnam.
Marker 2: Are shower sandals provided in your hotel bathroom? Are said sandals much, much too small for your feet? If so, you may be in Vietnam.
Marker 3: Whilst standing in your hotel shower, does the showerhead point directly at your belly button? (See "A") At the same time, are you in immediate danger of giving yourself a concussion on the water heater? (See "B") If you answer "yes" to both of these, chances are quite good that you're in Vietnam.
Marker 4: Do you see people taking advantage of a road flooded by an overflowing lake to wash off their motorbikes? Further evidence that you may indeed be in Vietnam.
Marker 5: Are you astounded and humbled by the beauty of this place--the sky, the rice fields, the ponds, the people? Have you answered "yes" to each of these questions? Then yes, you can safely assume you've found yourself in Vietnam.
We're baaaaaack...
Love it! Laughed my head off.... especially the showerhead hitting your belly button!
Wow. That was the funniest blog entry that I've ever read! Every time I look at the picture of Steven's feet squished into the shower shoes I think of the ugly step sisters in Cinderella-trying to fit into her glass slipper. Really there is no correlation to the picture of Steven's feet, but that's what the picture graciously reminds me of! :) love you guys.
That shower is *awesome*!
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