In the twelve months since then, we've seen a fair bit of this here country. We've tasted its food (even some of the stuff that looked gross), swam in its seas, hiked its mountains. We've made friends, embarrased ourselves on numerous occasions, had close calls with pickpockets and purse snatchers, been hit by a speeding motorbike, and somehow gotten a newly-purchased wardrobe stuck in a tight spiral staircase. We've ridden on planes, trains, basket boats, xe oms and elephants. We've watched mold grow on every single piece of clothing and furniture we own, battled hordes of giant cockroaches, sweated more than we ever imagined possible, and witnesed our bus driver getting punched in the eye by a rival bus driver. More than that we've laughed till we cried with our Vietnamese friends, had deep conversations in broken English over strong iced coffee and wondered how on earth a place so different from our home could still be so dang beautiful and sometimes feel so much like...home.
It hasn't all been easy. There have been broken bones (two of them), miserable nights spent in the bathroom, and tears (lots of those) over loved ones so far away. There have been birthdays that we've couldn't make it to (including several literal days of birth, with babies back home popping out like to make Orville Redenbacher throw a fit). There have been hikes we could have gone on, massive snowstorms we missed, foods we have longed for, and people on the other side of the ocean that we really wish we could have just sat down and had a burrito with once or twice.
Has it been worth it? Yes. Absolutely.
Are we excited about coming home for the summer in a few months? Yes. Absolutely. As wonderful as they are, Skype and Facebook are no replacement for a real chat, and we're so looking forward to being able to see many of you this summer. We're also incredibly thankful for the support, encouragement, emails and blog comments y'all have given us over this past year. We miss you guys.
As a parting gift for our one year anniversary, we now present to you the Shetterly timeline--a few key pictures from the past year in Vietnam:
Those who sow in tears
will reap with songs of joy.
will reap with songs of joy.
He who goes out weeping,
carrying seed to sow,
will return with songs of joy,
carrying sheaves with him.
-Ps. 126
Wow! I can't believe it's been a year already, but I for one have loved reading about all your adventures and seeing the amazing photos you've taken. Thanks so much for sharing them! Just wanted you to know I'm coming to Cambodia in March. I'd love to see you guys while I'm there, depending on your schedules and availability, of course; maybe you can email me to see if we can set something up! Keep those great blogs coming!!
Love, Rhonda
This is a work of art! Great wordage and photos :) Maren and I enjoyed reading. Maren says, "I would look like that if I was reading The Mekong too!" Miss you guys!!
Awww, great entry! Well, glad I made it on your timeline of the year... falling out of a basketboat :) We love you guys and we're SO thankful to the Father that this is your home, and ours.... you have made this year better than we could have imagined! You're the best! And, yes, Joelle always manages to look good and make dang good food. I populate.
oh friends, this is awesome to read. I love hearing your hearts and just how you're totally saying "It's been and is worth it"
When are you guys coming home this summer? I'll be living in leavenworth doing YD won't be in the 'ham but would love to at least try and see you.
love you!
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